“What is my purpose? What am I meant for?” is a question that is commonly asked in today’s day and age. It is so commonly questioned in fact that according to ArizonaChristian.edu “75% of Millennials are desperately seeking meaning and purpose in their life." This is people from ages 29-44, which is a large group of people all wondering the same question, “What is my meaning in life”? Is this a question you commonly ask yourself? Is it a thought that keeps you up at night. Do you question if we even have meaning or a purpose at all? Do you believe that we are just lucky primordial soup that just happens to have a worthless life, or do you wonder if there is any value to you at all? As Christians knowing that there is certainly a God and that He had a son that died for each and every one of us, we can still fall guilty to asking the questions from earlier. “What was I meant for”?
In Genesis 50:20 we can see that God means things to be good. Everything God does is to be good all the time. All of our blessings and all of his creations are meant for good. So, what does that mean for us? Are we meant for good? According to Genesis 1:27 “God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Well, if we are created by God, does that then mean we are meant to be good just like everything else God has created? Do we have intrinsic value or a meaningful purpose? Yes, and yes, God created us to do good, it was never his intention for man to fall into sin which then welcomed evil into the world. We see that in Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which were prepared in advance for us to do”. We can clearly see that God does have a purpose for us and that purpose is to do good. Christians: we are meant for good, we are meant to be the light in this dark world and to bring others to Jesus because God is so good. He is so good He wants us to be good and He wants us to have a relationship with Him. He loved us so much, He meant for us to be good, and did something He did not have to do and that He had died one of the most gruesome deaths known to man.
Well then we think, “There is too much evil, my goodness will mean nothing." In Romans 12:21 it states, “Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good." We can overcome evil no matter how strong it is because there is nothing stronger than our heavenly Father, and in Romans 8:11 we learn something so powerful. “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you”. That spirit dwells in us and that spirit will give us the strength we need to overcome and obstacles this dark world may throw in our way. Christians, we are meant for good, we were created for good and with that goodness in our hearts, there is nothing that can take us away for our Lord and Savior.